Ricerca Progetti di ricerca Progetti nazionali
Progetti nazionali
Descrizioni dei progetti (sito UniFI)
Principali enti finanziatori
ChoiceHealthFood (Un)healthy food and choice behaviour
Referente scientifico: Leonardo Casini
Principal Investigator del progetto: Claudia Bazzani
CLAAP Centro interLaboratorio di ricerca in Acquacoltura e AcquaPonica
Referente scientifico: Giuliana Parisi
DAMATIRA aDvanced Analysis and Modeling of AcousTIc Responses of plAnts
Referente scientifico: Elisa Masi
DIVAS Developing of innovative methods to assess tree vitality after a wildfire through analyses of cambium sugars metabolismsito del progetto
Referente scientifico: Claudia Cocozza
FORENDEMICS The italian endemic forest plants diversity and functional traits of a biological heritage under pressure
Reeferente scientifico: Federico Selvi
FOR.WELL The role of forests for wellbeing improvement: advances from psycho-physiological analysis and technologies
Referente scientifico: Sandro Sacchelli
INDACAT INstructions from PLF Data Analysis to improve the CATtle farming
Referente scientifico: Matteo Barbari
LIVEBIOTRACK Implementation of an integrated handy system for grazing management, livestock tracking, and predation detection through green electronics
Referente scientifico: Chiara Aquilani
NAMASTE-PCA Novel Agroecosystem Management Strategies and Tools Evaluation: biofertilization and relay cropping under Precision Conservation Agriculture
Referente scientifico: Simone Orlandini
RODOLFO Role of wildfires on microplastics in forest soils
Referente scientifico: Giovanni Mastrolonardo
StreeTLAMP New streetlamp solution to reduce the impact of urban light pollution on tree and lichen species
Referente scientifico: Antonella Gori
Waterstem Unraveling interactions between water and carbon cycles during drought and their impact on water resources and forest and grassland ecosystems in the Mediterranean climate
Referenti scientifici: Daniele Penna (Unifi) , Christian Massari (CNR)
WHISPER Valorization of cheese w hey by h ydrogen producti on in bio-electrochemical s ystems catalyzed with p urple bacter ia
Referento scientifico: Alessandra Adessi
PSRN - Programma nazionale di sviluppo rurale
TUBAVI Tutela della biodiversità nelle razze avicole italiane Responsabile scientifico: Arianna Buccioni TuBAvI (2017-2020) e TuBAvI-2 (2021-2024)