ERB 2022
18th Biennial Conference

Conference topics and committee

Conference topics

Small experimental catchments offer invaluable opportunities to observe and study hydrological and ecohydrological processes. Despite being time-, energy- and money-consuming, experimental studies carried out in representative catchments are fundamental to advance our understanding of hydrological and ecohydrological processes and how they may be impacted by human activities.

The 18th biennial ERB conference 2022 aims to gather scientists working in small experimental catchments to foster communication and collaboration, share information on new monitoring technologies, analysis techniques, and recent scientific findings, to ultimately promote advancements in catchment hydrology and ecohydrology.


The conference includes the following themes that focus on small catchments:

  • New hydrological and ecohydrological monitoring techniques;
  • Advances in hydrological and ecohydrological modelling;
  • Environmental tracers in hydrological and ecohydrological studies;
  • Hydrological and ecohydrological processes understanding in arid and humid catchments;
  • Hydrological and hydrometeorological extremes;
  • Erosion and sediment transport;
  • Field work fails and unexpected behaviors;
  • Open session on general catchment hydrology


Conference organisation

Local committee:

Daniele Penna1 
Ginevra Fabiani1,2
Giulio Castelli1
Giulia Zuecco3

1 Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Italy
2 Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), University of Luxembourg
3 Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF), University of Padova, Italy


International Scientific Committee

João de Lima, Portugal (ERB coordinator)

Hubert Holzmann, Austria

Niko Verhoest, Belgium

Miroslav Tesar, Czech Republic

Daniel Viville, France

Britta Schmalz, Germany

Péter Kalicz, Hungary

Daniele Penna, Italy (conference convener)

Edvinas Stonevicius, Lithuania

Christophe Hissler, Luxembourg

Piet Warmerdam, The Netherlands

Johannes Deelstra, Norway

Janusz Siwek, Poland

Gianina Neculau, Romania

Sergey Zhuravin, Russia

Ladislav Holko, Slovakia

Mitja Brilly, Slovenia

Jérôme Latron, Spain

Ilja van Meerveld, Switzerland

Liudmyla Gorbachova, Ukraine



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