Water Harvesting Lab

Conferences and Seminars

2024, May 28th - Webinar "The World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT): experiences and scientific evidence on Sustainable Land Management"


 - The WOCAT Global SLM Database: how it works and how to contribute - Nicole Harari, CDE Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Bern and WOCAT Executive Team member

 - How to use the WOCAT database for scientific research, the experience of Water Harvesting Lab - Dr. Luigi Piemontese, DAGRI and member of the Water Harvesting Lab
 - Open discussion: the DAGRI-WOCAT Institutional Partnership: ideas and way forward - Moderator - Dr. Giulio Castelli, DAGRI responsible for the Organizational Membership in WOCAT and member of the Water Harvesting Lab


2022, October 24th - Masterclass "The potential of sand rivers for improved water harvesting and water resources development in arid areas"

A Masterclass organized in the framework of FAO's "Building Forward Better" project

English - French


2020, April 24th -Conference Integrated Water Resources Management in the Rural-Urban Transition of Mozambique: Research Projects in Dialogue

Presentations, videos and materials


2019, October 24th - Open Workshop: Water-Ecosystems Management for Resilient Cities


2019, October 21st - Seminar: Catchment-scale water balance: Lumped models and hydrologic spaces - Speaker: Edoardo Daly Download supplementary material


2019, May 14th - Seminar: Gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche sotterranee per le zone aride: esperienze e soluzioni per il Mediterraneo e l’Africa Sub Sahariana


2019, April 4th - Seminar: Soil and water conservation and soil fertility management in agroecosystems of Northern Ethiopia" Prof. Shimbahri Mesfin Gebreslase (Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection – Mekelle University, Ethiopia).

1. Mekelle University - Water Harvesting Lab: The past the present and the way forward. Elena Bresci, Giulio Castelli

2. Soil and water conservation and soil fertility management in different agro-ecosystems of northern Ethiopia.


2019, February 15th - Masterclass on Fog Collection

Online One Day Masterclass: Fog collection for water management and sustainable forestry


2018, December 13th - Conference: "La passione per la cooperazione. Attività della Scuola di Agraria dal 2016 al 2018 e prospettive future. In ricordo di Mario Falciai" 

1. Elena Bresci e Federico Preti. "In Ricordo di Mario Falciai" 
2. Elena Bresci. "Le attività di Cooperazione del dipartimento GESAAF"
3. Maria Teresa Ceccherini. "Le attività di Cooperazione del dipartimento DISPAA" 
4. Stefano Barontini. "Traditional irrigation between combat against desertification and cultural interaction" 
5. Frank van Steenbergen. "The Future of Agriculture: a Driver for Social Change in the South of the World" 
6. Francesco Pavani, vincitore Riconoscimento Accademico Mario Falciai 2018. “Analisi e proposte progettuali per l'approvvigionamento idrico in quattro villaggi del Parco Nazionale Marino di Lampi, Myanmar”


2018, December 10th Seminar: Traditional and Innovative Water Harvesting for Landscape Change

Speaker: Frank van Steenbergen

Download supplementary material


2018, November 13th - Seminar: Land degradation and combating desertification in Tunisia


1. Ouessar_Land Degradation and Combating Desertification (with focus on Tunisia)
2. Dall'Osteria_Study on fog harvest (2013-2017) in the Agricultural Community Peña Blanca- Chile
3. Castelli_Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands


2018, November 11th - Seminar: Water harvesting in the dry areas: diversity and impact assessment


1. The Water Harvesting Lab
2. Ouessar_Water harvesting in the dry areas. Diversity and impact assessment
3. Boselli_A bridge between Mediterranean cultures

Download supplementary material


2018, September 27th - Seminar: "Research, Monitoring and Evaluation: Concepts, Methods and Application"

During the seminar, COSPE Onlus will present its activities and possibility of internships for students


1. Zobaer Ahmed

2. Maria Donata Rinaldi

3. The Water Harvesting Lab (WHLab)


2018, Februeary 21st - Water Harvesting Lab Activities in Ethiopia

The seminar will introduce and discuss the most recent research activities of the Water Harvesting Lab of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems (GESAAF) in Ethiopia, in Cooperation with Mekelle University.


2017, May 31stInternational Seminar “Internationalization and cooperation activities between GESAAF and Institute of Water and Environment - University of Mekelle (Ethiopia)”

The seminar presented the international research activates realised by the GESAAF, the Institute of Water and Environment of the University of Mekelle (Ethiopia) and the research centre MetaMeta (the Netherlands). The topics covered by the collaboration are water management in arid areas, microclimate management for rural resilience, water harvesting and capacity building. The research undergone and the exchange programs of MSc, PhD students and Academic staff were presented


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