DAGRI welcomes foreign academics, researchers and students in order to foster scientific and cultural collaborations. It promotes incoming and outgoing mobility to improve the quality of scientific production, young researcher training and the cooperation with developing countries.
DAGRI operates within the framework of the international dimension of the University of Florence, ensuring adequate financial resources and administrative support the grown of international relations and cooperation (I&C) activities.
Particular emphasis is given to:
All the activities related to the international relations are managed by a specific I&C panel formally appointed at DAGRI.
The panel includes a chairperson | Erminio Monteleone |
the Cooperation Agreement DAGRI coordinator | Giuseppe Rossi |
the School of Agriculture Erasmus coordinator | Anna Dalla Marta |
the Cooperation for Development coordinator | Elena Bresci |
three further representatives of the academic staff |
Edgardo Giordani |
and an administrative unit | Alessandra Pantani |
Contacts: internationaloffice(AT)dagri.unifi.it
Last update