The Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) originated in 2019 from the union of two former Departments (GESAAF and DISPAA), bringing together a century long tradition of Agricultural and Forestry studies at the University of Florence.

DAGRI is the second largest Department of the University of Florence and the only one in the Agricultural field, with over 125 academic staff, 60 technicians and administration personnel, 40 PhD students, 60 post doc and 50 research fellows.


The main research lines of the Department are:

  • agriculture (agronomy, arboriculture, crop science, engineering, precision farming)
  • environment and landscape (climate change, relations between urban areas and rural areas, pollution, ecosystem services, land use changes)
  • forestry (forest ecology, silviculture, forest management, forest monitoring and inventory, biodiversity, wood science, forest operations, forest engineering)
  • animal science and game management
  • food science and technology (food quality, food and beverage production processes, food product tracing and certification, sensorial and preference analysis)


The Department is organized in 10 sections:

  • Arboriculture
  • Economics, Assessment and Legislation
  • Forests, Environment, Wood and Landscape
  • Agricultural, Forest and Biosystem Engineering
  • Agricultural Microbiology
  • Forest Pathology and Entomology
  • Agronomy, Genetics and Land Management
  • Animal Science
  • Soil and Plant Science
  • Food Science and Technology


Research activity is supported by numerous national and international projects and strong partnerships with public and private institutions and enterprises working in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors. DAGRI is also very active in International relations and cooperation


The Department offers Undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs

Last update



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