Water Harvesting Lab

The water for food security hub at the University of Florence


The Water Harvesting Lab (WHLab) of the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) is active in inter-disciplinary research in the field of Water Harvesting, namely the process of concentrating precipitation through runoff and storing it for beneficial use.

WHLab is born in 2017 to develop research in the field of Water Harvesting implementation, rainwater management through GIS applications, and International Cooperation, in particular in arid and semi-arid areas and fragile regions.


Our research lines:

  • Participatory approach to Water Harvesting (WH) systems design and management
  • Effects of WH on ecosystem services and microclimate
  • Fog collection
  • Flood-Based Farming Systems (FBFS)
  • Water Conflicts
  • Wadi Hydrology
  • Water-Related Ecosystem Services
  • Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)


Our countries of experience:  Italy, Nepal, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Niger, Burundi, Angola, Tunisia, Egypt, Bolivia, and Guatemala


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Vines protected from wind and water harvesting, Geria, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain

Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5,;




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