IWMS-26 - International Wood Machining Seminar

Abstracts submission

Submit your abstracts for the 26th International Wood Machining Seminar is now open!


1. Register with Springer EquinOCS at;

2. Go to the link and log in;

3. Click on 'Submit Now' under 'Poster' or 'Oral' depending on your intention;

4. Fill in the form with the title and the text field "Abstract" according to the guidelines you can download here. Select the category. Fill in the keywords and the authors. Select the corresponding author. It is not necessary to upload a .pdf. Accept the terms and conditions and submit. Confirm that you wish to submit without a .pdf file.

The deadline for abstract submission is 27 October 2024 at 23:59 CET.

If you have any questions, please contact the conference secretariat at


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