Seminario “Food for future: Innovation, consumer understanding and processing knowledge for increased sustainability and health”
Prof. Paula Varela-Tomasco, Nofima, Norway
Seminario “Influences in food preference and choice: preferences and expectations”
Prof. John Prescott, Newcastle University, Australia
Seminario “SO-PLS regression for path analysis”
Prof. Tormod Naes, Nofima, Norway
Seminario “Consumer acceptance for novel foods, food ingredients, and processing technologies”
Prof. Helene Hopfer, Penn State University, USA
Seminario “Individual variation in taste perception: the role of Thermal Taster Status”
Prof.ssa Rebecca Ford, University of Nottingham (UK)
Seminario “Multisensory food perception”
Prof. Massimiliano Zampini, CiMeC Center for Mind/Brain Sciences & University of Trento
Evento aperto ad un massimo di 25 partecipanti tra ricercatori, dottorandi e studenti magistrali.
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