
Seminario Prof.ssa Vincenzina Caputo, Michigan State University Il prossimo 27 gennaio, alle ore 14:30, presso l'Aula Magna delle Cascine, si terrà il seminario dal titolo "A novel approach to agri-food system policy and market analysis: The basket-based choice experiment". Invited lecturer è la Prof.ssa Vincenzina Caputo, Full Professor and Homer Nowlin Chair in Consumer and Food Economics presso la Michigan State University. 

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In recent years, economic research using demand system analysis and stated preference methods to assess consumer food demand has seen significant growth. While informative, these methods come with several limitations that often restrict the ability of researchers to accurately address broader agri-food system and policy-related questions, such as evaluating interventions for promoting healthier and sustainable food choices. In this seminar, I will introduce a novel preference elicitation method, the "Basket-Based Choice Experiment" (BBCE). The BBCE combines two conventional methods - discrete choice experiments and consumer demand system analysis - to create a non-traditional hybrid that simulates a more realistic food choice scenario for consumers. Using a recent application on consumer demand for food consumed at home and away from home, I will discuss how the BBCE method can effectively capture a wide range of substitution and complementarity patterns to better inform food supply chain operations and policy.




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