22/10/20214 - 16.00 CET

Aula Magna, School of Agriculture, University of Florence, Piazzale delle Cascine, 18, Firenze.  Seminar:"The Water Crisis in Palestine: the current situation and the possibilities for the future"  

22/10/20214 - 16.00 CET

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Registration for online and in-person attendance:  

Welcome Panel

Giulio Castelli and Tommaso Pacetti, University of Florence

Gianni Toma, Vice-president COSPE


16:30 - The water politics of Palestine

Mark Zeitoun, Geneva Graduate Institute and Geneva Water Hub


17:00 - The experience of the University of Florence in a spring restoration project in Palestine

Antonio Giacomin, formerly Associate Professor at the University of Florence


17: 15 - War on Water in Palestine: How Palestinians and the international humanitarian community are responding to the denial of basic water rights in the time of war

Nidal Atallah, WASH Manager for occupied Palestinian territories, WeWorld

Anna Crescenti, Senior Global Technical Expert – WASH, WeWorld


17:30 - A resilient way forward: the “Reviving Gaza” project

Ghassan Ghaben, Reviving Gaza


Host: Giulio Castelli, giulio.castelli(AT), Tommaso Pacetti, Federico Preti, Enrico Lucca, Niccolò Renzi

Organised by: Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI)

In collaboration with: Geneva Water Hub, Reviving Gaza, Ingegneria Senza Frontiere - Firenze, COSPE



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