Research LaboratoriesPlant Dive LabResearchProjects

Current projects
The Italian Endemic Forest Plants: diversity and functional traits of a biological heritage under pressure (Topic1)
PRIN (Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale)
Progetto PNRR - Missione 4 componente 2 investimento 1.4 - Centri Nazionali - CN 5 – National Biodiversity Future Center – NBFC SPOKE 7
The Tuscan Old-Growth Forests: inventorying and monitoring (Topic 1)
Regione Toscana.
LIFE MODERn(NEC) - new MOnitoring system to Detect the Effects of Reduced pollutants emissions resulting from NEC Directive adoption (Topic 2)
LIFE20 GIE/IT/000091, European Union.
Projecto Integrado de Resiliência Ambiental (Topic 3)
Namibe (Integrated Environmental Resilience Project - Namibe), implemented under the FRESAN program, funded by the European Union and managed by the Instituto Camões.
Promotion of wood and non timber forest products, foods, and nofood chains (ecosystem services). Promotion, development and enhancement of wild plants of the northern Tuscan Apennine tradition (Topic 3)
Progetto PNRR. WP 7.2. Task: 7.2.2
Collaborations on other projects
FLF - Managing biodiversity and trophic cascades to enhance forest functioning and restoration
University of Bristol, UK
TraitDivNet: an open global network for plant traits
Microclimatic Buffering of Plant Responses to Macroclimate Warming in Temperate Forests
Horizon 2020
Past projects
Agronickel (Developing Ni-Agromining on Ultramafic Land in Europe) (Topic 4)
FunDIV EUROPE (Functional Significance of Forest Biodiversity in Europe). (Topic 1-2)
EU Seventh Framework Program FP7
LIFE SMART4Action - Sustainable Monitoring And Reporting To Inform Forest and Environmental Awareness and Protection (Topic 2)
LIFE13 ENV/IT/000813, European Union