Research LaboratoriesWater Harvesting LabPublications

Our full publication list can be found by checking the SCOPUS profiles of our researchers.
You can also check the Lab's page on ResearchGate.
Our key publications are:
- Piemontese, L., Terzi, S., Di Baldassarre, G., Menestrey Schwieger, D.A., Castelli, G., & Bresci E. (2024). Over-reliance on water infrastructure can hinder climate resilience in pastoral drylands. Nature Climate Change, 14, 267–274.
- Castelli, G., Piemontese, L., Quinn, R., Aerts, J., Elsner, P., Ertsen, M., Hussey, S., Filho, W. L., Limones, N., Mpofu, B., Neufeld, D. G., Ngugi, K., Ngwenya, N., Parker, A., Ryan, C., de Trincheria, J., Villani, L., Eisma, J., Bresci, E. (2022). Sand dams for sustainable water management: Challenges and future opportunities. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 156126.
- Piemontese, L., Castelli, G., Fetzer, I., Barron, J., Liniger, H., Harari, N., … Jaramillo, F. (2020). Estimating the global potential of water harvesting from successful case studies. Global Environmental Change, 63, 102121.
- Certini, G., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Calamini, G., Pierguidi, A., Villegas Paredes, L. N., Salbitano, F. (2019). Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands. Science of The Total Environment, 657, 391–400.
- Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Castelli, F., Hagos, E. Y., Mehari, A. (2018). A participatory design approach for modernization of spate irrigation systems. Agricultural Water Management, 210, 286–295.