Registration for online and in-person attendance:
We are delighted to invite you to a hybrid seminar with Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh. Palestinian scientist and author, he is the founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) at Bethlehem University where he teaches. After serving on the faculties of the University of Tennessee (1989–1993), Duke University (1993–1999), and Yale University (1999–2005), he now researches and teaches at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities since 2008.
His story is also available in the Italian Podcast “Stories” by Cecilia Sala:
The seminar will be joined by Prof. Mauro Agnoletti, chair of the UNESCO Chair “Agricultural Heritage Landscapes” at the University of Florence.
The event will be moderated by Prof. Giovanni Mastrolonardo and is co-organized by Bethlehem University, the UNESCO Chair “Agricultural Heritage Landscapes”, and Ingegneria Senza Frontiere Firenze.